The production of the first season of the first animated series created in Serbia and intended for global distribution, called “Puffins Impossible”, has been completed. It is a spin-off of the famous series “Puffins”, with Johnny Depp in the lead role.
The series, which was realized with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, was created in the studio for the production of animated content Iervolino Studios (IES), owned by Andrea Iervolino and Lady Monika Bacardi, founders of the parent company Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment (ILBE), while the production is signed by Archangel Digital Studios (ADS), founded by Miloš Biković. Depp arrived in Belgrade to promote this project, visited Iervolino Studios and talked to the creators of the project that the whole world is looking forward to.
The voice and appearance of the main character Johnny Puff is based on the personality of the legendary Hollywood actor Johnny Depp, who, in the company of superheroes, becomes a ninja in the new series.
“Puffins Impossible is a great story for all ages. It is by turns funny, charming, absurd, abstract and educational. I very much enjoyed working on this project and I hope it will repeat the success of the Puffins series it derives from. The work that has been done in just one year is simply amazing. I’m delighted with the creativity of the people from Serbia”, said Johnny Depp.
Lady Monika Bacardi, co-founder of the domestic IES studio and production company Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment, who was recently named producer of the year at the Italia – Los Angeles 2021 festival, also arrived in Belgrade. Lady Bacardi announced that the ILBE group has big plans for the Serbian studio and claims the employees have the potential to respond to those ambitions.
“Serbia is one of the most inspiring markets in which ILBE operates. The production of the Puffins Impossible series is proof that we have a capable, dedicated and agile team ready for world-class projects. We have opened an entire sector dedicated to post-production and visual effects (VFX) and our plans go beyond the production of animated content. Our goal is for Serbia to become Hollywood”, said Lady Monika Bacardi.
The animated series “Puffins Impossible” follows the adventures of five Arctic birds – Johnny Puff, Didi, Pie, Tic and Tac. With the help and guidance of their mentor Johnny Puff, the four little birds are transformed into a unique team of superheroes, who, despite mutual disagreements and squabbles, leave all differences aside in times of trouble and help their furry fellows together. The series deals with the topics of equality and ecology in a fun and avant-garde way, in the desire to draw the public’s attention to the current challenges that our planet faces every day.
“The production of such a series is not only important for Iervolino Studios and Archangel Digital Studios, who presented this project in partnership, but also for the Serbian creative industry. Puffins Impossible is the first animated series produced in Serbia, following the highest world standards. It’s a big leap for the domestic creative sector. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to Miloš Biković, who convinced me only a year ago that we can produce everything we imagined in Serbia with great artists who work here, as well as to Johnny Depp with whom we continued successful collaboration in Serbia, too. Today, Iervolino Studios operates in two cities, Belgrade and Novi Sad, and employs over 100 members, with plans to have a team of 600 people by 2026”, said Andrea Iervolino, CEO and co-founder of IES and Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment.
The production of the “Puffins Impossible” series was done by Archangel Digital Studios, founded by our celebrated actor Miloš Biković.
“This is a huge success for local artists. Together, we managed to start the animation industry, thanks to innovative technologies and unique pipeline that we imported to Serbia and by doing that, gave our creative people the possibility to work according to standards of some of the biggest world studios. I thank the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Culture and Information for supporting our common vision and recognizing the importance of this investment. I believe that there will be even more such projects and that we will continue to grow and create”, said Miloš Biković on this occasion.
The “Puffins Impossible” series will soon be available for streaming on the world’s leading platforms, with one of them being Apple TV. The wish of Iervolino Studios and Archangel Digital Studios and their founders is for Serbia to become a world leader in the production of animated content, which is why the development of new projects intended for the international market is planned.
Photo: Dušan Atlagić