Healthcare professionals in Credit Agricole bank will not pay any interest for overdrafts till the end of the year, regardless if they have one in use or they will now apply for a new one.
The extraordinary situation we are facing due to Coronavirus pandemic demands from every individual or institution to give a strong contribution in order for all of us to go through this challenging period as smooth as possible. Credit Agricole bank wants to support as clear/strong as possible our fellow citizens, healthcare professionals, which are in the front line in the battle we are all fighting as a society.
In this respect, CAS made the decision that all medical workers will be provided with completely free overdraft until the end of 2020, regardless if they have one now in use or they will apply for it in the future.
„We do believe that with this decision we have provided financial support to the people which, in these days, have completely sacrifice their private life and their health towards the health of their neighbours, fellow citizens. Now they will have one concern less knowing they have clear financial support from their Bank. With this action we want to send them a clear message: Thank You for the fight you are fighting on behalf of all of us!” – said Romuald Le Masson, member of Credit Agricole executive board.
This decision took place on the 1st of March, it will last till the end of December 2020 and it covers all health care professionals which will have an active overdraft in this period in Credit Agricole bank.